Thursday, May 30, 2013

Quick update

Not too much to update on today this week. I am healing slowly but surely, just working on being patient and enjoying every day as it comes. :) 

Here's a few pictures.
my right foot only shoe line.

Bike shirt we found at the Thrift store today.

a great sentimental piece at $2
 Thank you always for your care and support.
-Nora Young

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dr Visit

fun times waiting at the Doctors.
Broken collarbone
Hey All,
I had a followup visit to the Dr today, they say its too soon to tell if its healing well or badly. So in three weeks I'll come back and then they will know from that x-ray for sure for sure if it will need surgery to completely heal. So we will see. Other than that I'm doing okay, my foot is healing well and the pain in both my arm and foot has gone done a lot. I just still tire easily throughout the day and I'm getting a little tired of only being able to us my left hand!

 But I'm very-much-so enjoying the time I am able to spend with family and friends.

Thank you always for your love and support!
-Nora Young

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A change in Plans

Sister Norman Sister Young and Sister Blasko (A trio for a day)

Its been a very emotional last few days. I fell on my bike on Sunday and broke my collarbone on my right side and big toe on my left foot. On Monday after lots of sleeping and attempts at the normal missionary routine I went to a surgeon to see if I'd need surgery to help it heal, luckily it didn't but I was told the time to heal would be about 2 months. I couldn't carry a backpack, couldn't write, couldn't really think straight because of the pain so I knew it was inevitable that I was going to be sent home, because I couldn't be a very helpful companion in my current state. That night we got the confirming call I would be going home Tuesday evening, so it was time start packing packing packing! 

I was able to enjoy a last p-day running into missionaries at Walmart and being able to say goodbye, watch Elders play dodgeball and spend time with my past two companions who are now together (so Sister Blasko can learn the area a little better from Sister Norman.) They are going to do amazing together! :) 
Saying Hello to the beach again.
 I came home and rested after a fun flight. Everyone was so nice and helpful! 

On Wednesday I was released from the missionary duties so I can just focus on healing  and we stopped by the ocean to breath in that familiar sea air. 
Differences from last year: Other arm in sling, longer hair, and foot hurt too.

It's been a strange shock to be home at this time for such reasons but I know there are more reasons than I can see right in front of me and I'm going to do my best trying to find them. As Mom says I've just been moved back here for my next Transfer or two. heheh :)

Love love love you all!
I will keep you posted on how things are going! Thank you all always for your love and support!
-Nora Young

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Taking Things Day by Day

It has been a crazy busy week. I have been stretched a lot but I feel myself growing and I know I can do this and I can become better, not perfect, but I can still keep progressing always. And I'm so glad for that, because there is so much to do! I'm just going to go back to taking things day by day.  There is a lot to do as you noticed, and yeah luckily my new companion likes naps as well, so we definitely take those needed resting times to refresh the brain and split up the day into bite sized pieces, I guess you could say. We have been working like crazy this week and have had some great exciting moments and some not so fun moments but we keep working through it and keep doing the best we can. I'm excited to get to go shopping today, of course because its so fun and just take some breathing time.
-Your Missionary Daughter
-Sister Young

"Fancy Pictures" from Sis Norman's camera
Sister Norman pictures - part 2

(l to r) Sis Blasko from Maryland, Sis Swearingen from Texas, Sis Kuoha from San Diego, California,
Sister Veith from New York, Sis Young from Ojai, California, and Sis Norman from Moreno Valley, California.
Sis Blasko is Sis Young's current companion