Tuesday, July 31, 2012

mission, quest, "THINGS"

Just some fun pictures and "things" for this week for the blog. :) 
Happy Packages

Phineas and  Ferb yard art!

Poptart Hopscotch at Walmart.

Its been a good week, my bike got 2 flats soo I finally gave in and went to Taylors Bike Shop and bought some thorn resistant tire tubes. Problem solved. heheh

Love you all! 
Have a great week.
Sister Young

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Three Months

Sister Young and Sister Brush

Sister Young and Sister Brush

Its been a hard but great week. The hardest part was hearing about the Colorado shooting - it threw me off for a while. But I've realized that that's why our work here is so important. To help people know that there is still light and peace in this world and we can find it as we reach out to Christ. I know that's true because I've had to reach out to him so much for myself in just the past few months I've been out on the mission. We can keep going and we can find light in the darkness as we reach out to him and he's always there. We can become that light for others.

We're teaching a boy that reminds me a lot of Donny. Its so fun. He's a good kid with an awesome Grandma. I feel uplifted from being around her and I hope it goes both ways. 

I had Fry Sauce for the first time this week at a place called Arctic Circle it was good! :) 

We've had hot weather and a few thunderstorms this past week, once while we were still on the bikes trying to get home on time and the lightning was closer than we liked it to be. It was a fun memory. heheh

I've gotta say it again and again I am so grateful that letters come straight to us. Saturday I was feeling really bad. We stopped home for a bathroom break and the mail had come and there were 3 letters and they lifted my spirits soo much in that moment. I was so grateful. Thank you so much for your notes. :) They mean so much to me. 

I love you all so much! 
Have an amazing week.
-Sister Young

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

No Transfer

Transfers have come and gone and Sister Brush and I are staying together in the Taylorsville South Stake. :)  I am 'killing' her as they say in mission lingo. Which just means I'm going to be her very last companion. We are going to work our hardest together to find those in this area that are ready to be baptized. Its going to be a great transfer. :)

This week was extremely bumpy, but it has some good parts too.
- Free Slurpee Day, 7/11 just happens to be Sister Brush's Baptism day so we enjoyed free slurpees in the heat.
- Knowing now that I'll be here for a while I've felt more comfortable to unpack a little more. The pictures are of things that make it feel like home. :) 
- After an extremely rough weekend we had a beautiful breakthrough yesterday.  Taught a great kid who's super ready to be baptised, and then while knocking a door found a woman who has been less active for a while but is really interested in coming back and recieving her patriarchcal blessing. And just our overall spirits were lifted, we got caught in a thunderstorm without our coats and just laughed about it as we sped home on our bikes to go get them.

-Getting mail to the house has been so great, its been the perfect perk on some of the really rough days. And the package Yesterday totally saved me! It was such a fun "lasagna package". I can't believe how much was packed into that tiny package. Thank you so much. I love love loved it! Teehee ;)

You asked about 4th of July. It was sadly a pretty quiet day. We went to a ward's breakfast, and had BBQ dinner at a members house. But where we were out and about it didn't even feel like 4th of July, other than when we went to bed we were serenaded by fireworks until midnight or so. hahah  I've been told that July 24th is the day when everything shuts down so we shall see. :)

Love you all.

Have an amazing week!

Sister Young

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

P-Days, Heat, and Kinks

Thank you everyone for your prayers this week. With Holidays and Birthday's back home I could really feel all the love from home surrounding me and lifting me up.
So as you probably know now p-day's have been changed to Tuesdays!  It was a shock but  it'll be good once we get fully used to it. :)

Whoo! has it been hot lately, but we've been surviving, drinking lots of water, finding shade and getting to hide out from the heat as we teach people. I'm slowly but surely becoming better at getting over my stage fright as you said Mom and relying more on the paying close attention to the person we're with and knowing the spirit will help me know how to help them.  Every little thing affects it, so I've yet again been working hard on keeping my thoughts happy even in this heat. hahah I'm glad the Birthday package made it to everyone safe and sound and I'm glad everyone enjoyed it too. :) I had been collecting things for a while so I was glad we were able to get to a post office that day. :)

The "Don't Worry About Anything" "Pray about everything" "Tell God what you need." card has been my motto this week. I have it at my study table and look at it every time I pass it for extra strength. I had planned to add a picture of it today but alas I forgot my cord. :( So next week. 

The start of this new mission is going to  be quite an adventure they are slowly but surely changing some things about missionary work and its up to us to help smooth out the kinks. So I appreciate every prayer and good thought sent my way. :)

I've received  cards directly to the house from Mom last week and the rest of everyones mail is either a little behind from 4th of July or is still trying to find its way to me through Zone Leader  etc. But it'll make it too me eventually, one of those little kinks. But I am so happy to get mail delivered to the house, its such a nice perk especially on the harder days. :) 

There is another transfer on the 18th so I will keep you updated on where I go and what's happening and all that fun stuff. 

I love you all so much! Thank you thank you for all your love and support, it is greatly appreciated! :)

Sister Young

Monday, July 2, 2012

Hand Picked for a Roller Coaster

 Things are way hectic because of the new mission so I don't have much
 time, but I just wanted to say I'm doing good and I love you all.
 So things are changing left and right and its a little hard to keep up
 with, but I'm hanging in there.
 I was transfered last week I am now serving in the Taylorsville South
 Stake with Sister Brush. She's from Seattle and has 7 weeks left. :)

 Tomorrow we have our first Mission Conference as the Salt Lake City
 Central mission, we were hand picked to be pioneers in this new
 mission so let the roller coaster go flying down the hill, huh? Yes
 that's totally how we're feeling, its overwhelming and exciting at the
 same time. But it'll be good. :)
 Please, keep this new mission in your prayers.
 Love Sister Young

(Addresses to come, we need some verification- zip codes, etc.)
Check Sister Young, and the whole Mission out in the photo on the SLC-S Mission blog, link in the upper right hand corner, she is wearing her orange skirt