Things are way hectic because of the new mission so I don't have much
time, but I just wanted to say I'm doing good and I love you all.
So things are changing left and right and its a little hard to keep up
with, but I'm hanging in there.
I was transfered last week I am now serving in the Taylorsville South
Stake with Sister Brush. She's from Seattle and has 7 weeks left. :)
Tomorrow we have our first Mission Conference as the Salt Lake City
Central mission, we were hand picked to be pioneers in this new
mission so let the roller coaster go flying down the hill, huh? Yes
that's totally how we're feeling, its overwhelming and exciting at the
same time. But it'll be good. :)
Please, keep this new mission in your prayers.
Love Sister Young
(Addresses to come, we need some verification- zip codes, etc.)
Check Sister Young, and the whole Mission out in the photo on the SLC-S Mission blog, link in the upper right hand corner, she is wearing her orange skirt