Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Three Months

Sister Young and Sister Brush

Sister Young and Sister Brush

Its been a hard but great week. The hardest part was hearing about the Colorado shooting - it threw me off for a while. But I've realized that that's why our work here is so important. To help people know that there is still light and peace in this world and we can find it as we reach out to Christ. I know that's true because I've had to reach out to him so much for myself in just the past few months I've been out on the mission. We can keep going and we can find light in the darkness as we reach out to him and he's always there. We can become that light for others.

We're teaching a boy that reminds me a lot of Donny. Its so fun. He's a good kid with an awesome Grandma. I feel uplifted from being around her and I hope it goes both ways. 

I had Fry Sauce for the first time this week at a place called Arctic Circle it was good! :) 

We've had hot weather and a few thunderstorms this past week, once while we were still on the bikes trying to get home on time and the lightning was closer than we liked it to be. It was a fun memory. heheh

I've gotta say it again and again I am so grateful that letters come straight to us. Saturday I was feeling really bad. We stopped home for a bathroom break and the mail had come and there were 3 letters and they lifted my spirits soo much in that moment. I was so grateful. Thank you so much for your notes. :) They mean so much to me. 

I love you all so much! 
Have an amazing week.
-Sister Young

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