So Sunday I was having a bad day. I don't know why and it made me more upset that I was feeling so upset. I sat there in Sacrament meeting trying to sort through my thoughts when I looked down at the program. In there was an Ensign story about Family Home Evenings. We've been pondering of having a family home evening lesson for a family in the area so I began reading it. The story was sweet and simple, almost familiar. Then I get to the end and the tears started flowing. Who was it written by but the one and only Sister Brandolino. I thought of her and her great influence on me, my family and others. I thought of Lindsday and the time that we went through together after she had passed away, and how she is still a great strength and friend to me today. I was reminded just how small the world is and how much God is thinking of all of us. How everything we do matters and the influence we have on others is lasting into this life and the next. The program maker had no idea that I needed that piece of home at that time, as she wrote it years ago Sister Brandolino didn't know it would help me in that way, but Heavenly Father did know. And I know it was able to help me because they both followed His promptings to do such simple things as write a sweet story and use a sweet story. Just as Elder Ballard's talk in General Conference tells us never let yourself believe that any act of kindness is too small, follow every prompting. I love you all at home and miss you so much! Not a day goes by where I don't think of one of you and the great influence you've had on me and know that I am out there everyday working my hardest to be a great representative of the Lord and of you back home. I claim Ojai proudly. :)
Thank you always for your love and support!
Thank you always for your love and support!
-Sister Young
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